Matt's presence is uniquely grounded and potent. In the span of just a few interactions, he's able to see the depths of you, and skillfully evoke the qualities of your character that can bring forth what you've been longing to experience in your life. Matt is dedicated to getting people aligned with their most powerful and meaningful life purposes, and is also particularly masterful at guiding people into highly rewarding relationships.

The tools Matt uses to support his clients come from his broad background and study, which includes being a managing executive for 15 years as well as 17 years of training in somatic psychology, Enneagram, cognitive therapy, philosophy and human consciousness theory. He facilitates leadership and transformation - guiding executives, men's groups, couples and other individuals in a variety of settings.

Matt has been in relationship with the same magnificent woman for 30 years, and they continue to grow their love and creativity with each other all the time. They live in Scotts Valley, CA where they are raising their two teenage children.